Goole Valve Technology Co.,Ltd
Address: He_yi Industrial Zone,Oubei Town,Wenzhou City,Zhejiang Province,P.R.China
Tel: 86-577-57781015
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The benefits of the system are numerous. Building owners appreciate it because Lake Ontario serves as the engine of cooling, eliminating the need for electrically powered chillers. This frees up significant square footage and reduces maintenance costs for retrofits at existing buildings. It also saves hundreds of thousands of dollars in capital investments at new construction.
Deep Lake Water Cooling pipe deploymentAdditionally, when combined on average, the buildings that use this system instead of using individual chiller packages free up 61 megawatts of power on the Toronto electric grid. Because less electricity is required to power individual air-conditioning installations, less fuel is required for consumption at local utility plants. The corresponding carbon dioxide (CO2) gas emission reductions are figured to be about 87,000 tons annually, the equivalent of about 16,000 automobiles on the nation’s roadways.
The DLWC also reduces the need for hydrochloroflourocarbon- and chlorofluorocarbon-based refrigerants. And, even though the water running through the system warms up about 2°F (less than 1°C), when it enters the city’s potable water system, minimal heat returns into the lake, and no extra water has been used to accommodate the system.
Like any project, this system is ultimately dependent on the components of which it is comprised. For that reason, high-quality valves designed to last decades are key to ensuring its continued reliable service.
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Goole Valve Technology Co.,Ltd
Address: He_yi Industrial Zone,Oubei Town,Wenzhou City,Zhejiang Province,P.R.China
Tel: 86-577-57781015
safety relief valve(our hot), pressure reducing valve and other steam trap,bellow sealed globe valve,ball valve, Y/T/U strainer