Goole Valve Technology Co.,Ltd
Address: He_yi Industrial Zone,Oubei Town,Wenzhou City,Zhejiang Province,P.R.China
Tel: 86-577-57781015
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A quick Internet search reveals hundreds of proposed or new regulations on shale gas. It also shows many guidance/draft/amendment rules and programs by numerous governmental agencies, standards organizations, various states and local jurisdictions, the U.S. Environment Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Department of the Interior, the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Corps of Engineers, to mention a few. A handful of states currently have fracturing moratoria in place and public awareness has been raised that hydraulic fracturing fluids may be exempt from certain EPA rules such as the Safe Drinking Water Act of 2005 (unless the process uses diesel in the fracking fluids).
Meanwhile, the EPA’s New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) 40 CFR, part 60 and 63 subpart 0000 (AKA ‘Quad O’) has been approved. Quad O regulations summarily apply to “emission standards for stationary equipment” and cover many of the activities and components used in oil and gas production, particularly in newer shale infrastructure. On top of the many regulations passed or in the works, a lengthy period of time (many say two to four years) will likely be needed to seriously address the many issues raised and to create, update or amend the applicable best practices or standards.
In the meantime, many companies and organizations are responding to growing shale development concerns by taking unique actions. A growing number of shale field coalitions and organizations that share information, such as establishing “new or local” best practices and addressing issues, have been born. For example, energy companies and environmental organizations recently formed a consortium—The Center for Sustainable Shale Development. The initial focus for this group will be minimizing air and water pollution and establishing a certification process. (For more updated information on the issues, go to
Figure 2. Automated hydraulic ESD at the choke valveAn ESD, PSD or Safety Instrumented System is a set of components, logic solvers and final control elements arranged for the purpose of taking a process to a safe state when predetermined conditions are tripped. These components typically incorporate a spring return actuator to close the valve in the event of an upset. Such a system is important in all flow situations and is especially significant when the field is remote, unmanned or where an external power source is unavailable, undependable or prohibitively expensive. Reliability and prevention are key factors for these systems. The valves and their automation often remain in a static position for extended periods of time, yet they must perform without room for error when required for immediate shutdown or diversion. If these systems did not have this level of dependability, disasters would be much more probable (Figure 2).
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Goole Valve Technology Co.,Ltd
Address: He_yi Industrial Zone,Oubei Town,Wenzhou City,Zhejiang Province,P.R.China
Tel: 86-577-57781015
safety relief valve(our hot), pressure reducing valve and other steam trap,bellow sealed globe valve,ball valve, Y/T/U strainer